Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Oh Nelly, Whoa Nelly

colored some doodles from the last leg of my bro's hospital stay (no worries, he's stable and finally got discharged)

hark, here comes a background character from a children's cartoon i've latched onto emotionally and projected a whole goddamn backstory onto

Whoa Nelly (originally named Jelly Nelly Bean) is something of a medical marvel. As a foal she was normal-sized (if a bit chubby- her parents were candymakers, after all), but something bizarre happened as little Nel' got older. Growth is expected when ponies hit puberty, but Nelly kept growing. And growing. And growing. Disproportionately. Enormously. Somewhat grotesquely.

After extensive medical tests, it was discovered that Nelly was suffering from a very rare pituitary disorder- her body was simply pumping out far too much growth hormone. Everything was growing steadily bigger- her bones, heart, lungs, organs- and a build-up of internal fluid was putting stress on her bodily systems, causing joint pain, headaches, and cardiac issues- all compounding the terror of a young filly who could barely grasp what was happening to her.

Nelly was severely bullied by her peers, and even drew stares from adults. Her parents quickly pulled her from school, and opted to have their daughter privately tutored at an isolated medical facility, where nopony could tease her. Although Nelly had the love and support of her family, she had no friends, and never got to partake in all the little indulgences her hometown peers got to have, like school dances and silly crushes. Despite being in the most comfortable environment possible, Nelly grew up alone, feeling like a freak.

By the time she's an adult, Nelly decides to bust out. She's fed up with fussy nurses and nay-saying physicians, Nelly wants to see the world!

It's terribly hard going at first. Of course every creature stares. Nelly is one of the biggest ponies to ever live, and can't fit comfortably in most places. Foals gape at her, some run off crying, some ask rude (if innocent) questions. She hears the things ponies whisper behind her back. She can see the strained way they smile when forced to interact with her. Nelly struggles to make a single friend, even though she tries her absolute damndest. When some rebellious young colts vandalize her house with cruel graffiti, Nelly spends a week in bed crying. She sinks to a very low place.

Buut one day her parents visit, bearing home-made scones and jam and worried out of their minds- and Nelly remembers that she is loved. Everything about her shouldn't be, yet she is. Nopony expected her to survive long after her diagnosis, but she's still here. Her doctors figured her rapid growth would destroy her mobility, but Nelly canters around Canterlot just fine, thank you very much. Despite life-long chronic pain, she still manages a skip in her step. She's survived everything life has thrown at her and still come out smiling her goofy grin. Maybe she won't be winning any snooty beauty pageants, but Nelly is strong and determined, funny and sweet and maybe if other ponies can't see her value, than maybe it's their loss! As long as she loves herself, she knows she'll be alright.

It's that flash of insight that finally earns Nelly her cutie mark, and she becomes the self-love pony.

Whoa Nelly is currently a very popular motivational speaker, and gives lectures on the importance of positivity, the ability to laugh at one's self, and self-love. She is happily married to Canterlot fashionista and model Sassy Saddles, and together they have one child, Belle Velour.

Challenger Appears by Lopoddity Weird Ships by Lopoddity


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